Nobel Prize

Awarded for achievement in chemistry, economics sciences, literature, peace, physics, and physiology or medicine (see the Nobel Foundation web site for details and history about this award). Twenty-five individuals who have been faculty or students at the University have won a Nobel Prize.

Award reciepent Department Award Year
Bob Dylan Literature 2016
Lars Peter Hansen Economic Sciences 2013
Robert J. Shiller Economic Sciences 2013
Brian Kobilka Chemistry 2012
Thomas J. Sargent Economic Sciences 2011
Christopher A. Sims Economic Sciences 2011
Leonid Hurwicz Economic Sciences 2007
Edward C. Prescott Economic Sciences 2004
Daniel L. McFadden Economic Sciences 2000
Louis J. Ignarro Physiology or Medicine 1998
Paul D. Boyer Chemistry 1997
Edward B. Lewis Physiology or Medicine 1995
George J. Stigler Economic Sciences 1982
John H. van Vleck Physics 1977
Milton Friedman Economic Sciences 1976
Saul Bellow Literature 1976
William Lipscomb Chemistry 1976
John Bardeen Physics 1972
Norman E. Borlaug Peace 1970
Melvin Calvin Chemistry 1961
Walter H. Brattain Physics 1956
John Bardeen Physics 1956
Edward C. Kendall Physiology or Medicine 1950
Philip S. Hench Physiology or Medicine 1950
Ernest O. Lawrence Physics 1939
Arthur H. Compton Physics 1927